How I got 3,707 Leads for Only $0.26 each... Using Just 1 Of 9 Hard-Nosed, No-nonsense Strategies From Our Proven Content Marketing Framework... That's Been Generating a Downpour of free targeted traffic, Leads and sales for a tiny, group of elite marketers who had access to My Signature program — Picasso™ — in 2021!
With this special New Year offer, as a Designrr user... for an extremely limited time — you get a chance to claim one of the 500 <21 copies of Picasso + Dynamic Updates and Upgrades at a cheaper price than it ever has — or ever will be — available to anyone... EVER Again! 

Here's just a taste of what you get with this offer if you manage to grab one of the 500 <21 spots:

  • Proven, Simple, Step-By Step Roadmap For Generating Free, Targeted Traffic, Leads, Sales and Customers in 2022

    — without having to drag yourself into the dog-eat-dog, energy- and money - sucking fierce competition for every scrap of targeted traffic... 99.99% of entrepreneurs will be forced to enter... with ad costs projected to hit a record-high in 2022!

    It wouldn't be a stretch to say Picasso is considered the Rolls Royce of content marketing trainings. It's proven to produce killer results. It's simple. It's been tested and re-tested.

    It's constantly being chiseled and fine-tuned to reflect the latest changes and developments in online marketing.

    Hence, the reason why since January 2021, you could only get access to it if someone in the program referred you to the Kudani team. Even then, you'd have to fork out a small fortune to get lifetime access to it.

    That  (and the rapidly rising ad costs & competition) is also the reason why this December alone, hundreds have reached out to me asking to get access to it at a full price. (They were rejected to maintain brand exclusivity.)

    Finally, that's also the reason why I'm so sure all 500 <21 spots will fly off the shelves at this ridiculously-low, one-off price.
  • No hair-brained overly complicated strategies. No guesswork. No confusion. No overwhelm. Nothing to figure out on your own. 

    Picasso is a comprehensive, step-by-step training and framework that shows you what to do first, second, third and so on... to pull in MORE cheap (96% of time - free) — but ultra-
    targeted traffic,  leads and sales than your competitors would EVER dare to imagine possible!

    I'll take you by the hand from A to Z. From planning your content marketing for major league results (often without you having to create content AT ALL)... to optimizing your content marketing machine to squeeze out every single penny it has to offer you every month... and everything in between!
  • Dynamic updates (free with this offer)! 

    All the strategies are constantly being updated to match the latest developments, changes and trends in online marketing!

    By getting one of the 500 <21 copies of PICASSO at 80.2% off today... at a one-off price... you're getting your hands on a powerhouse content marketing program that's always fresh, effective and relevant. You won't have to spend MORE money on MORE and NEWER courses down the line.

    By investing in Picasso, you get all your traffic and content marketing needs 100% covered at a one-off price... to crush it in 2022 and beyond!
If Content Is The #1 Way To Drive Organic Traffic - Why Are So Many Businesses Missing The Bus?  
If Content Is The #1 Way To Drive Organic Traffic - Why Are So Many Businesses Missing The Bus?  
It’s a question that’s got entrepreneurs, startups, agencies, and executives scratching their heads ever since content marketing burst onto the scene. 

There’s no denying the effectiveness of content marketing when it’s done right:
It’s a question that’s got entrepreneurs, startups, agencies, and executives scratching their heads ever since content marketing burst onto the scene. 

There’s no denying the effectiveness of content marketing when it’s done right:
  • 72% of marketers say content marketing increases engagement
  • ​68% of marketers say it increases their number of leads
But, there’s also no denying the problems people are facing with it too: 
  • 65% find it challenging to produce engaging content
  • ​62% don’t know how to measure the ROI of their content campaigns 
  • ​60% say they can’t produce content consistently
This has led a lot of entrepreneurs and businesses to believe content marketing is “hit and miss.” 

Which is the problem! 

Content is fast becoming the only way to generate and grow high-quality web traffic…
So, a solid content strategy is a MUST-HAVE moving forward! 
If you don’t have one, you can’t be blamed. Content as an utter marketing powerhouse crept up on us all. 

Let’s face it - it started off pretty casual. 

You didn’t need a strategy because it was more of a “side-strategy” than anything else… if you can even call it that!  

Most of us threw a bit of content out there, and any traction we gained was considered a bonus. 

But, now, the game has well and truly changed…
Content marketing is at the center of every business! 
Content marketing is at the center of every business! 
Expectations from audiences have increased, and with it, so has the pressure to “out content” your competition. 

Mindlessly chucking content out there simply won’t do. 

In fact, it often does more harm than good! 

Having no proven content strategy is costing people hundreds of dollars and hours of their time.
And the worst part? More often than not it’s all in vain! 
After speaking with a ton of entrepreneurs, we learned that of course most of them wanted a strategy that brings in extra sales, credibility, and traffic through content… 

But, every strategy they’ve seen is crazy complicated and might as well be in a foreign language. 

They simply didn’t have the time, energy, money, or safety blanket to try and figure them out. 

(Let alone test to see if they produced any results!)

All they were asking for was a simple, straightforward plan that they knew worked, and knew would convert. 

That’s when we knew we had to release PICASSO! 

We’d kept it under wraps for some time away from the “public...” 

But we couldn’t sit on something that had the power to help people and their businesses THAT much for any longer… 

The  proven, easy to follow, 5-part framework to generate organic traffic through content
get Clarity on your content and finally see the results everyone’s talking about
get Clarity on your content and finally see the results everyone’s talking about
PICASSO is a collection of methods, instructions, and checklists developed by The Kudani Team.

Unlike so many other frameworks out there, PICASSO has been tried and tested in the real world, by real people getting outstanding results.
We’ve ironed out all the common content mistakes and obstacles to provide the smoothest ride to all the increased engagement, traffic, and conversions that content marketing promises! 

1. Planning

1. Planning

Creating your content plan and publishing schedule, buyer personas, and the startup stages of content generation and traffic growth.

The basic principles of effective content

From using a simple formula to get direction, confidence, and results, to understanding your mission to keep you focused and motivated

Understanding your target audience

Learn our tricks to develop the perfect avatar and one little know secret to make your costumers instantly trust you as an authority figure

design your first content funnel

Step by step instructions to nurse your avatar through their thought processes and map each of the needed steps in your content funnel

Creating your content calendar

How to plan a 13 week calendar, so you and your team know what they are doing every day 

2. Infrastructure

2. Infrastructure

How to optimize and structure your website for maximum search performance and conversion. Everything from pages speed to mobile usability and more.

Setting up your 

We'll cover everything you need to know about your blog setup. From where to put it to how it plays out with the rest of your funnel to bring qualified leads in droves

Proper tracking 
Set Up

The only way to know if your content is working is by tracking visits but having every tracking code under the sun installed is actually hurting your conversions -here you'll learn what to do instead!

Search Engine 

Search is still the main traffic source and in this module you'll learn the ins and outs to get massive amount of visitors from Google (SILO configuration, authority trust signals and more!)

Turning Followers 
Into Leads

You CAN'T take follow counts to the bank, that's why in lessons 6-10 of this module you'll discover how to turn followers into visitors and visitors into leads ready to purchase every one of your products!

3. Creation

3. Creation

Understanding the best methods for creating fresh, unique, and engaging content with minimal effort. Everything from curation to repurposing as well as format.

Keyword research 

Proper research is the cornerstone of a successful blog and in module 3 we share the single best way to find high traffic topics and keywords to optimize every single piece of content you ever create 

Generating Effective Content Ideas

Discover one easy (yet 100% ethical) way of borrowing content ideas from your competitors plus 6 powerful techniques we use at Kudani to find exciting content from sources around the web

Content Repurposing Done Right

What if we told you that you can easily turn one piece of content into 10? And even create entire blog posts without writing a SINGLE word? In this module we show you how!

The Lost Art 
Of Content Curation

One of the single best ways to position your blog is by curating other people's content and in lessons 6-8 we share the most effective methods including one secret gem you can learn from Oprah herself

4. Amplify, share & syndicate

4. Amplify, share & syndicate

Amplification is all about traffic and more traffic using paid and free methods to syndicate and share your newly created content.

How To Share for maximum impact

In this module we'll discuss the harsh reality of organic sharing in 2019 and beyond... and a way better method to ensure people consume your content

Content syndication 

Lessons 3, 4 and 5 are all about how to get paid syndication cheaply - because it's what people want

Ethical Backlink 

Backlinks are very much alive and relevant this day and age and with the methods discussed in lesson 6 you'll never have to spam a list of strangers to get one

Email Newsletter 

The days of using your newsletter only to "let people know you posted" are long gone but done our way it can be one of the most powerful tools in your arsenal

5. Outcome

5. Outcome

Tracking your results is the only path to a successful content marketing strategy. This module is all about why how, what, and when to track your content.

Focusing On The Metrics That Matter

Remove the confusion about the metrics you need to track by focusing in the 4 we discuss in this module and use them to properly assess what content is converting and what content you need to axe 

Debunking Google Analytics Myths

Google Analytics has a bad reputation among creators - in this module you'll learn there's nothing to be afraid of and the most profitable way to make the use it!

Measuring Your 

With advice in lessons 2 and 5 you will be able to determine how are your pieces of content helping you (or not) to achieve your goals and what to do about it

Stupidly Easy 
Tracking Codes

UTM codes are nothing short of magical - one universal tracking code to measure your most important metrics - and here you'll discover everything you need to know about them
PICASSO In Action: 

We are obsessed with testing (so you don’t have to be!) 

As far as PICASSO is concerned, it’s paid off. For example, our testing has shown that often curation can work as well or even better than well written unique content.

Our own sites dominate page 1 for keywords that get sales

Here is our ebook creator software produce - that own all the top ebook creator keywords in this niche.

PICASSO has more than doubled our organic traffic in the last 10 months

We just used the methods, strategies, and tactics covered in the PICASSO framework training. 

Which means you can use them to get similar results in your business

More Leads at Lower Cost

Leads are the life blood of any business.  

The more quality buyer leads you can capture, the better.

However it comes at a cost.

With PICASSO and just 1 Simple technique you can get your leads cost down to just a few cents.
PICASSO’s Fan Club: 
"Best Investment 
This Year"
"The Kudani marketing team really helped us redesign our content marketing strategy. The PICASSO Framework and blueprinting process was our best investment this year. We have rebuilt our content strategy using this framework." 
- Larry & Oksana
"Our Content Strategy Finally Makes Sense"
"Paul and his team at Kudani introduced the PICASSO Framework when we approached them about our content marketing challenges. All I can say is that our content strategy finally makes sense." - 
- Mike Cooch
"Real Content Marketing Experts"
"When it comes to content, the Kudani team are real content marketing experts. Most marketers only scratch the surface compared to the level of knowledge and tools these guys bring to the table with PICASSO." 
-Aaron Fletcher
Why Should You Pick PICASSO?
PICASSO is so much more than a video course - it’s an education. As you start to go through the program, you’ll discover: 
  • The difference between SEO (the old way) and content creation (the only way) 
  • ​A "step by step" calendar to plan your marketing using proven methods
  • ​The rules and tools for creating powerful titles and headlines that get traffic
  • ​How to track proper metrics to determine if you’re getting the desired results
  • ​The difference between content marketing with paid advertising vs. blindly posting to facebook
  • ​What makes content highly engaging vs. highly boring and how to determine one from the other
  • ​How to create massive mounds of high-quality content in minutes vs. hours
  • ​Ways to increase your sales or start a new venture for 2022
  • ​How to accelerate everything using paid traffic with Facebook, Google and YouTube.
What you’ll learn from PICASSO will have a positive impact on every single area of your business. 

It starts with content marketing, and finishes wherever you want it to! 
For A Short Time Only, You Can Get PICASSO For An Amazing Price… PLUS: 

90 Day Content Marketing Blueprint (worth $197)

Your 'fill in the blanks' guide to content marketing success. With the worksheet, you can complete a plan for each module and end with an actionable blueprint for your business.

Content Marketing For Dummies - Special Edition (Worth $19)

Read the book that inspired it ALL... You'll get the digital edition delivered to you direct in the members area!


Live Access Webinars  (Worth $499) 

Get up to date, interactive strategy sessions with the team to keep you ahead of the game. 

Training Members Area (Worth $611)

Become part of a community, connect and build lucrative relationships with content marketers who are crushing it! 

Combined, everything you’re getting with the PICASSO Video Course is worth $4995

Of course, nothing is stopping you from clicking off the page, and trying to learn all this stuff yourself. 

Or, continuing to “wing it” when it comes to content marketing. 

But be warned, without PICASSO, the time and money wasted on trial and error will be high.

We know we picked up the bill in the process of creating PICASSO! 

Trial and error is only a real option if you have money to spare, and more hours in the day than you know what to do with.

Chances are, if you had that, you wouldn’t be on this page! 

You want to see the business growth you know content marketing is capable of creating without spending a FORTUNE.  

OR, missing the bus completely! 

If you invest in PICASSO…

You will have a tried, tested, and perfected Framework to follow right off the bat. A framework you can rinse and repeat over and over again to “out content” your competition. 

That said...

Here's My New Year Gift To You!


Because Picasso is my signature program…

And because it produces such predictable, fast, gangbuster results…

And because it’s used by so many gurus out there who bring in PLENTY of referrals as is…

Since January 2021, I made it so you COULD NOT get Picasso unless another Picasso user referred you.  

This allows to maintain the exclusivity of the brand and keep selling it without any friction for $997. (And I'm going to go back to this model as soon as this New Year offer is over.)

And guess what? The sheer number and quality of users coming on board this way... is so high, I don't even need to think about doing launches, promos, etc.

This word-of-mouth strategy really shot the exclusivity of Picasso and its demand through the roof.

But you know what else? Even at $997 it's still a HUGE bargain. 

Considering its actual worth is $4,995, and the average return on investment is x9 in the first 3 months alone (that's on average)...  $997 price tag is a steal already!

After all, when you combine our P.I.C.A.S.S.O framework, that helps you create, market, and profit from content in the most hassle-free, cost-efficient, time-saving way possible with our track record...

You have an entire package you have to try HARD NOT to succeed with!

And this leads us nicely to the New Year gift I have for you:

For just a few days before Dec 31st, I’m going to violate brand's exclusivity... By giving access to Picasso to 500 Designrr users... at the lowest price Picasso will ever sell For!

You see, this year we surpassed our revenue goals by a wide margin. 

That being the case... 

Since I can afford to sell lifetime access to Picasso at this ridiculously-low one-off price... 

And since so many people reached out to me asking to get access to Picasso this month... 

And finally since... I really know, this content marketing framework will help you save and make boatloads of cash in 2022... without having to spend a fortune in ad spend projected to hit a record-high in 2022...  

I'm putting forward this exclusive offer for you at a bargain-basement price. 

So, if you’re a person who likes to take a great opportunity when they see it…rather than pay more down the line when you realize you need it….

As part of this offer ONLY: 

You won’t pay $4,995...

You won’t pay $997...

You won’t even pay $497...

You will pay only $197 for LIFETIME access! 

That’s for all the engagement, traffic, leads, and conversions you could ever need, and it’s ALL going to come from your content. 

Yes, it's super cheap compared to what everyone else had to pay for it and also in relation to the smashing average ROI of x9 in the first 3 months most of our users get.

But there are...

2 Conditions For Getting Picasso at This Ridiculously-Cheap Price!

Condition #1: Only <21 Designrr Users Can Get Access To This Deal
Well, this month alone I’ve received 100s of emails asking me to get access to this training at its full price of $997. (They were denied since they didn't have referrals.) So I expect these 500 <21 copies at a grossly-discounted price to vanish really quickly.
Condition #2: This Offer Expires For Good At 11.59PM (PST), Dec 30th.
I’m going to run this promo from Mon, Dec 27 - Thur, Dec 30th. So even if by some miracle we don’t sell out 500 <21 copies within the first day or two… I’m still going to close this offer for good on Thursday, at 11.59PST. (Again, I’m really confident we'll sell out all the 500 <21 copies way before that deadline.)
Now 500 may sound like a lot. But it is NOT. Not if you consider:
Fact #1:  This month alone I’ve received TONS of emails from our users asking to get it at a full price ($997) so I’m pretty sure they’re going to grab it sight unseen.

Fact #2: More than 100k Designrr users interested in taking their content marketing game to the next level will get exposed to this offer.

Fact #3: Picasso is a fail-proof framework that has produced astonishing results for EVERYONE who's used it.

We have hundreds of testimonials and success stories to support this claim. And at least HALF of those 100k people I mentioned above have heard about it. So you can bet there are a few thousand people in that list chomping at the bit to claim this deal.
That said, this very moment is you best chance to claim LIFETIME access to the entire Picasso package at the lowest price it will ever sell for

Even a second of hesitation may cost you...

The Single Greatest Opportunity to Get Into The most Powerful, Dynamic Content Marketing Program... For Generating a downpour of targeted traffic, leads, sales and customers... to crush it in 2022 and beyond... Ever Devised! 

If you refresh this page, this could already be sold-out.
Start Increasing your traffic and conversions with your content In 2022 and beyond!
Full access to picasso
  • Full Access to Picasso Training and Framework (Normally Selling at $997)
  • Free Lifetime Updates and Upgrades (Worth $97/M)
  • 90 Day Content Marketing Blueprint (Worth $197)
  • Content Marketing For Dummies - Special Edition (Worth $19)
  • Live Access Webinars (Worth $499)
  • Training Members Area (Worth $611)
  • 30-day money back guarantee 

Frequently Asked Questions

How long will it take to get access?
No time at all - access is immediate! All the training is available in the member's area as soon as you sign up. 
Who is this course for?
Entrepreneurs, eBook authors, Marketing Consultants, Agencies, Small Businesses, Consultants, Coaches or anyone wants access to a step-by-step framework and strategy for marketing. 
Is there a guarantee?
Yes. We guarantee your satisfaction 100%. If you're not happy with your purchase, simply contact support within 30 days for a full refund.  No questions asked.
What happens once I pay for the course?
Once you sign up you will be given access to the member's area. In there you will find additional resources and the current training course. You also have the ability to request assistance from our professional services team.

(c) 2021 Designrr from PageOneTraffic Ltd, PageOneTraffic Inc
US: 2035 Sunset Lake Road, Suite B-2
NEWARK, DE 19702

UK: 34 Lower Richmond Rd, London, SW15 1JP

Contact: Phone: (858) 201-6490